When you know your audience...

This is an ongoing theme with online marketing, and I've come to realise I need to adhere to this rule, because my content marketing, emails and the things I post have been all over the place, even though it's still tech-related.

you can talk directly to them
you can provide the right value
you can make the right content

This is an ongoing theme with online marketing, and I've come to realise I need to adhere to this rule, because my content marketing, emails and the things I post have been all over the place, even though it's still tech-related.

So how do I 'fix' this?!

It's been a long hard brainstorming session with myself and the internet, a bunch of sleepless nights and my inner ghostly voice saying... 'let go'.

Letting go of things is hard for anyone, even though I talk about this with my clients when coaching and implementing the right tools for them to use, it's hard to let go of something you've been used to for years.

So what am I letting go of?

MacJunky, my brand and company that I've built over the past 14 years has been the centre of my work life and has enabled me to work with some amazing clients, but it's not a brand that screams 'Tech Minimalism' or anything I do right now in a way I'd like it to.

I am The MacJunky, I will always be The MacJunky and I will still keep The MacJunky name, however, Tech Minimalism is something I want to focus some of my time on.

As you've probably noticed, if you've been a follower, I've toyed with a bunch of ideas, different names and branding, and the only one that works for me is me, my name, my full name!

Because no one can be 'you' right?

So, now you know a little history, it's time to wind down the MacJunky email list that I've been running over years as it's more an 'Apple-related' list, even though I've been trying to pivot it, it hasn't worked successfully, so starting a new list, with fresh faces, ideas and the right content for the right audience is the best way to move forward.

Let me know what you think by replying to this email (if you're reading this via email) or contact me via my site as I'd love you to be on this new journey of mine!

Let's stay in touch.

No lead magnets. No sales emails. I'm not even trying to convince you to join my email newsletter list. But you sure will learn new things when you do.
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