Do it properly the first time around
There are many who simply don't have time to do it right the first time around. However, those are the same people who later regret their decision.
So here we are again. I'm back at my workshop. I was at a workshop over the
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weekend fixing my fuel issue. There was a bit of a leak on the gas tank, petrol
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tank, I'm going to call it petrol, on my petrol tank. So we had to take the petrol
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tank out, empty the tank, obviously take the tank down, and while he was fixing it
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I was fixing a few other things like cabling and so on quickly to make sure I
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can get back on the road again quickly. Put it back, everything was fine. The
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following day I noticed I lost half a tank of petrol and I couldn't figure out
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I got underneath everything seemed fine. Couldn't figure out what it was.
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The following day I lost another quarter. I'm like okay I gotta do something about
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this because this can't go on obviously. I don't want to leak petrol everywhere.
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It's insane. So I came to my store today, my workshop, and I made sure I checked
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absolutely everything and I noticed that the fuel pump was loose from the not the
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feed end, the sending end as it were. Now the problem was that I noticed this and
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I thought it was a swivel nut, so there's a special nut that you can get and it
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swivels and but it's connected and it wasn't that. It was actually loose and
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this brings me to believe doing it right the first time around because if I had
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checked it properly I wouldn't have had this issue and I wouldn't have been
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leaking petrol all over the place, losing money, losing time etc. And obviously this
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leads me to the point of doing things properly the first time around. Now I
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come across a lot of small businesses and freelancers, professionals who get a
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piece of software and just use it and it you know they're like it's okay someone
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told me to use it and they just carry on using it and then they get to a stage
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where they either have to expand, scale and it doesn't scale with them because
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they didn't do the initial thought process of actually what they actually
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need rather than oh this is what's been told I should get. So doing things
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properly the first time around you do save time and money and this is truly a
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testament to that. Now while it was here I did make sure that I did a few other
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things as well. There was a few cables that I need to reroute, I did a few
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things with the battery, the diesel heater, there was a few things that
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would come loose. What else was there? I rerouted a new cable as well. I did
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lots of things. Again I could have done all this, I should have done all of this
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at the beginning but I personally I didn't have the time and this is the
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excuse that I hear all the time from businesses and so on. I didn't have the
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time so I just did it but then at the end yeah you lose time and money and we
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are a testament to that. Me and Woof!, he's down there chilling. So I'm gonna take
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him for a walk, enjoy your day. It's nice and sunny now so I'm gonna go to the park.
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See you next time. Ciao.
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